数据结构 ?
We present
a challenging multi-agent seasonal dataset collected by a fleet of Ford
autonomous vehicles at different days and times during 2017-18. The
vehicles were manually driven on a route in Michigan that included a mix
of driving scenarios including the Detroit Airport, freeways,
city-centers, university campus and suburban neighborhood. We present the seasonal variation in weather, lighting, construction
and traffic conditions experienced in dynamic urban environments. This
dataset can help design robust algorithms for autonomous vehicles and
multi-agent systems. Each log in the dataset is time-stamped and
contains raw data from all the sensors, calibration values, pose
trajectory, ground truth pose, and 3D maps. All data is available in
Rosbag format that can be visualized, modified and applied using the
open source Robot Operating System (ROS).
The Ford vehicles traversed an average route of 66km through the Greater Detroit Area. Each drive includes the DTW airport, University of Michigan Dearborn campus and residential communities as shown in the image. Each run has minor variations in the route to capture the diverse features in urban environments, providing useful data to the research community.
The dataset contains full resolution time stamped data from the following sensors:
Four HDL-32E Velodyne 3-D Lidars
6 Point Grey 1.3 MP Cameras
1 Point Grey 5 MP Dash Camera
Applanix POS-LV IMU
The data is organized on the basis of dates. Each of these directories contain subfolders for each Vehicle and Maps. Each Vehicle sub-directory contains all the logs in rosbag format, PNG Images and calibration files for each sensor. Calibration data for each Vehicle is provided separately.
The directory structure is:
YYYY-MM-DD - The date when data was collected
Map - Combined Map files corresponding to the Mth Log from all vehicles
VN - The serial number of vehicle that collected the data, example V1
Info - Information pertaining to each vehicle drive
LogM - Every drive is divided in M parts, each of them containing:
LogM.bag - Rosbag file corresponding to the Mth Log
Images - PNGs corresponding to the Mth Log
The Images are orgainzed as:
CENTER - Center Camera
FL - Front-Left Camera
FR - Front-Right Camera
SL - Side-Left Camera
SR - Side-Right Camera
RL - Rear-Left Camera
RR - Rear-Right Camera
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