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死亡或重伤(KSI)多伦多 ContextThis data set is a **original** version of the [Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI)][1] traffic accident reports fr...Geospatial Analysis Classification
5.3M 422
死亡或重伤 (KSI) 多伦多清洁 ContextThis data set is a cleaned version of the [Killed or Seriously Injured][1] (KSI) traffic accident reports from th...Geospatial Analysis Classification
4.53M 418
系外行星 # DatasetThis dataset was created by anapalialper# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Astronomy Classification
1.21M 413
月球相关数据集,月相、月升、月食 月球相关数据集,月相、月升、月食...Astronomy Classification
12.18M 382
PLASTICC 天文入门套件介质 Astronomy Classification
19.83M 309
257K 盖亚 DR2 星 背景盖亚是欧洲航天局(ESA)的一项任务,旨在精确测量超过十亿颗恒星的位置、距离和星等。内容使用以下ADQL查询从[Gaia Archive...Science and Technology,Astronomy Classification
57.8M 411
213K 星从盖亚 DR2 Science and Technology,Astronomy Classification
105.48M 536
所有火箭发射 1/11/04 - 7/9/18 Science and Technology,Astronomy Classification
0.75M 280
坏话 Physics Classification
0.01M 292
QM7:雾化能量 Physics Classification
17.06M 373
芝加哥邻里 2012 Geospatial Analysis,Demographics Classification
2.39M 357
PLAsTiCC 测试仪经典特征,以往研究中用于光变曲线分类的共同特征 This dataset is a collection of extracted time series features from the test set of the PLAsTiCC challenge. The features...Feature Engineering,Time Series Analysis,Astronomy Classification
9.02G 484
元素周期表 Physics,Chemistry Classification
0.68M 431
ExoPlanetsFlux Astronomy Classification
277.64M 440
太阳黑子数据集 太阳黑子数据集...Astronomy Classification
1.78M 636
美国国家航空航天局(NASA):小行星分类 内容数据是关于小行星-新星。NeoWs (近地天体 Web 服务)是一个针对近地小行星信息的 RESTful Web 服务。使用 NeoWs,用户可以:...Science and Technology,Astronomy Classification
13.42M 777
皮肤护理中的化学去角质剂 Chemistry Classification
0.04M 494
日食和月食 Astronomy Classification
2.05M 480