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教育环境数据集中软件工程团队合作评估数据 Data Set Information:The data can be used to try to predict student learning in SE teamwork based on observation of thei...Action/Event Detection Classification
399K 723
教育背景下软件工程团队合作评估数据集 Prof. D. Petkovic (SFSU) Petkovic '@'; Prof. Rainer Todtenhoefer (Fulda University, Germany); Prof. Shi...Computer Classification
399M 604
教育过程挖掘(EPM):学习分析数据集 Data Set Information:The experiments have been carried out with a group of 115 students of first-year, undergraduate Eng...Computer Classification
4.7M 942
352个从不同来源收集的双变量数值数据集 Data Set Information:[Please note the use of Latex format here for algebraic expressions. See Leslie Lamport, Latex: A D...Physical Text
52K 440
教学助理评估数据集 Collector: Wei-Yin Loh (Department of Statistics, UW-Madison)Donor:Tjen-Sien Lim (limt '@' Se...N/A Classification
1K 592
大学基础信息数据集 Original Owner: unknownDonor: Steve Souders souders '@' ads.comData Set Information:Format: Each observation con...N/A Classification
16K 619
德黑兰大学问题数据集2016(UTQD.2016)数据集 Mohammad Razzaghnoori/Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Science, University of Tehran/m....N/A Classification
107K 612
Censo Escolar 2018年 Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
3.16M 215
编码 Enem 2 Education,Primary and Secondary Schools,Regression Classification
12.8M 222
纽约高中数据 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
29.66M 317
MaKeene学习2018数据集 Education Classification
4.5M 361
uts 02型 Universities and Colleges Classification
257.7M 200
哈伯曼.csv Education Classification
0M 192
CSE517里程碑1数据 Education Classification
0M 241
学生调查 Education Classification
0M 239
2011年印度7岁人口的教育水平 Education,Social Science Classification
0.89M 213
数学在几分钟内 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.67M 212
microdados censo escolar 2016 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
14838.5M 202
microdados censo escolar 2014 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
16264.1M 247
打开大学学习分析数据集 Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
442.86M 241