数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Data Set Information:
Attribute Information:
1. OVERALL_DIAGNOSIS: 0,1 (class attribute, binary)
2. F1: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 1, binary)
3. F2: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 2, binary)
4. F3: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 3, binary)
5. F4: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 4, binary)
6. F5: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 5, binary)
7. F6: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 6, binary)
8. F7: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 7, binary)
9. F8: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 8, binary)
10. F9: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 9, binary)
11. F10: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 10, binary)
12. F11: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 11, binary)
13. F12: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 12, binary)
14. F13: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 13, binary)
15. F14: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 14, binary)
16. F15: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 15, binary)
17. F16: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 16, binary)
18. F17: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 17, binary)
19. F18: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 18, binary)
20. F19: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 19, binary)
21. F20: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 20, binary)
22. F21: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 21, binary)
23. F22: 0,1 (the partial diagnosis 22, binary)
- dataset is divided into:
-- training data ("SPECT.train" 80 instances)
-- testing data ("SPECT.test" 187 instances)
Relevant Papers:
Kurgan, L.A., Cios, K.J., Tadeusiewicz, R., Ogiela, M. & Goodenday, L.S. "Knowledge Discovery Approach to Automated Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis" Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 23:2, pp 149-169, Oct 2001
[Web link]
Cios, K.J., Wedding, D.K. & Liu, N. CLIP3: cover learning using integer programming. Kybernetes, 26:4-5, pp 513-536, 1997
Cios K. J. & Kurgan L. Hybrid Inductive Machine Learning: An Overview of CLIP Algorithms, In: Jain L.C., and Kacprzyk J. (Eds). New Learning Paradigms in Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag (Springer), 2001
[Web link]
Papers That Cite This Data Set1:
Rich Caruana and Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil. An Empirical evaluation of Supervised Learning for ROC Area. ROCAI. 2004. [View Context].
Michael G. Madden. evaluation of the Performance of the Markov Blanket Bayesian Classifier Algorithm. CoRR, csLG/0211003. 2002. [View Context].
Lukasz A. Kurgan and Waldemar Swiercz and Krzysztof J. Cios. Semantic Mapping of XML Tags Using Inductive Machine Learning. ICMLA. 2002. [View Context].
M. A. Galway and Michael G. Madden. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY technical report NUIG-IT-011002 evaluation of the Performance of the Markov Blanket Bayesian Classifier Algorithm. Department of Information Technology National University of Ireland, Galway. [View Context].
Citation Request:
Please refer to the Machine Learning Repository's citation policy
Original Owners:
Krzysztof J. Cios, Lukasz A. Kurgan
University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217, U.S.A.
Krys.Cios '@' cudenver.edu
Lucy S. Goodenday
Medical College of Ohio, OH, U.S.A.
Lukasz A.Kurgan, Krzysztof J. Cios
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