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DrivFace数据库 包含真实场景中汽车驾驶时的面部图像数据

DrivFace数据库 包含真实场景中汽车驾驶时的面部图像数据

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Image Data Classification

Data Set Information:DrivFace数据库包含真实场景中驾驶时的主题图像序列。它由606个样本组成,每个样本为640-480像素,在不同......

数据结构 ? 25.1M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Data Set Information:


    Additional files:
    drivFace.mat contains the dataset in Matlab (under prtools library) with the driver faces normalised to 80x80 pixels each and their associated gaze direction labels a€?looking-righta€?, a€?frontala€? and  a€?looking-lefta€?.

    Attribute Information:

    The ground truth contains the annotation of the face bounding box and the facial key points (eyes, nose and mouth).
    A set of labels assigning each image into 3 possible gaze direction classes are given.
    The first class is the a€?looking-righta€? class and contains the head angles between -45?o and -30?o.
    The second one is the a€?frontala€? class and contains the head angles between -15?o and 15?o.
    The last one is the a€?looking-lefta€? class and contains the head angles between 30?o and 45?o.

    Files and scripts
    a€¢ has the driver images. The imag's name has the format:
       * YearMonthDay_subject_Driv_imNum_HeadPose.jpg

    i.e. 20130529_01_Driv_011_f .jpg is a frame of the fisrts driver corresponding to the 11 sequence's image and the head pose is frontal.
    subject = [1:4], imNum = [001:...], HeadPose = lr (looking-right), f (frontal) and lf (looking-left).

    a€¢ drivPoints.txt contains the ground truth in table's format, where the columns have the follow information:
       * fileName is the imagen's name into
       * subject = [1:4]
       * imgNum  = int
       * label   = [1/2/3] (head pose class that corresponding to [lr/f/lf], respectively)
       * ang     = [-45, -30/ -15 0 15/ 30 15] (head pose angle)
       * [xF yF wF hF] = face position
       * [xRE yRE]     = rigth eye position
       * [xLE yL]      = left eye position
       * [xN yN]       = Nose position
       * [xRM yRM]     = rigth corner of mouth
       * [xLM yLM]     = left corner of mouth  

    a€¢ read_drivPoints.m is a Matlab function to read the drivPoints file. You can also use:
       * Table = readtable('drivPoints.txt');

    a€¢ drivFace.mat contains the dataset in Matlab (under prtools library) with the driver faces normalised to 80x80 pixels each and their associated gaze direction labels a€?looking-righta€?, a€?frontala€? and  a€?looking-lefta€?.

    Relevant Papers:

    Katerine Diaz-Chito, Aura Hern??ndez-Sabat??, Antonio M. L?3pez, A reduced feature set for driver head pose estimation, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 45, August 2016, Pages 98-107, ISSN 1568-4946,

    Citation Request:

    Katerine Diaz-Chito, Aura Hern??ndez-Sabat??, Antonio M. L?3pez, A reduced feature set for driver head pose estimation, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 45, August 2016, Pages 98-107, ISSN 1568-4946,

    Katerine Diaz-Chito*
    Aura Hern??ndez-Sabat??
    Antonio M. L?3pez

    Centre de Visi?3 per Computador
    Universitat Aut?3noma de Barcelona

    *Corresponding author:{kdiaz '@'}




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