数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
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Te'udat Bagrut (Hebrew: תעודת בגרות) is a certificate which attests that a student has successfully passed Israel's high school matriculation examination. Bagrut is a prerequisite for higher education in Israel. A Bagrut certificate is awarded to students who pass the required written (and in some cases oral) subject-matter examinations with a passing mark (56% or higher) in each exam. The Bagrut certificate however should not be confused with a high school diploma (te'udat g'mar tichon, Hebrew: תעודת גמר תיכון), which is a certificate awarded by the Ministry of Education attesting that a student has completed 12 years of study. (Source: Wikipedia)
This file contains over 60,000 average Bagrut grades that were taken between 2013 and 2016 by over 1800 schools in various subjects.
This data was posted under the Israeli Freedom of Information law and was formatted by me
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