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数据集正确单词 Others Classification
0.06M 123
纳伦德拉莫迪推文 News,Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
7.97M 148
大都会公领域艺术作品 Arts and Entertainment,Art,Museums Classification
0M 157
法国城市里昂的所停车场数据集 Place de Parking sur Lyon datasetData Set Characteristics::Number of Instances: 1051:Number of Attributes: 24 numeric/ca...Transportation Classification
264K 256
年长兄弟姐妹的儿童的侵略 Regression Classification
0.07M 240
大脑训练所 Others Classification
648.28M 151
15.13M 148
限联合移动性 Others Classification
0.01M 109
17.78M 147
BLE RSSI加速器室内测量数据集,带详细位置注释的室内RSSI+加速器测量 This repository offers smart-home wearable accelerometer and Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) data acquired : 1) w...Business Classification
370.3M 216
毒评论快速文本 Others Classification
21.4M 120
840.77M 116
cnn rnn 所 CNN Classification
53.45M 110
毒文件 Arts and Entertainment Classification
42.13M 126
快文本 Others Classification
4307.46M 115
用于对象检测的水果图像,含标记的水果图像,用于训练物体检测系统 This dataset is the data used in this project.ContextA different dataset for object detection. 240 images in train folde...Image Data,Food,Computer Vision Classification
29.72M 318
SF 邮政编码(限) Demographics Classification
0M 144
Dj 特朗普推文 Online Communities,Music Classification
13.41M 154
531.43M 306
vio4 56 Others Classification
38.19M 117