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有毒植物图片 Biology Classification
0M 201
有毒嵌入物,拼图有毒评论挑战中的通用句子编码文本 There's no need for everyone to encode the same text with the Universal Sentence EmbeddingThis data set contains the...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
610.81M 272
有毒的食物 Arts and Entertainment Classification
610.81M 151
俄语有毒评论,带有2ch标记注释的小数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by АнатолийБельчиковReleased under GPL 2# ContentsIt contains the fol...NLP,Text Data,Binary Classification Classification
4.45M 216
拼图-有毒-评论-分类 Animal Classification
65.62M 155
有毒的多拉贝尔 Business Classification
1590.01M 144
数据集正确单词有毒 Others Classification
0.06M 123
有毒评论快速文本 Others Classification
21.4M 120
840.77M 116
有毒文件 Arts and Entertainment Classification
42.13M 126
快文本有毒 Others Classification
4307.46M 115
有毒文件 Others Classification
42.69M 175
有毒评论挑战单一型号 Others Classification
42.52M 122
有毒文本预处理 Others Classification
1399.64M 213
92.45M 140
俄罗斯有毒评论 Internet,Social Networks,NLP,Text Data Classification
37.45M 123
有毒评论检测多语言[扩展],Jigsaw有毒通信网络分类竞赛的补充 This is a compilation of all the toxic comment databases out there. I made this for ease of use during the Jigsaw Toxic...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Binary Classification Classification
117.55M 169
JigSaw有毒评论分类清理数据,竖锯评论,带感情,评论长度和翻译文本 I've been working on the JigSaw Multilingual Toxic Comment classification competition and found that the data requir...NLP,Deep Learning,Feature Engineering,Text Data Classification
263.44M 193
清洁有毒物质评论 Arts and Entertainment,NLP Classification
120.48M 158