数据结构 ? 4.6G
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* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Massih-Reza Amini
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS/LIG
massih-reza.amini '@' univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Charlotte Laclau
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS/LIG
charlotte.laclau '@' univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Sumit Sidana
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS/LIG
sumit.sidana '@' imag.fr
Data Set Information:
source, offerId, pageViewId, offerViewId, utcDate, keywords, wasClicked, offerViewCountPerPageView, clickCountPerPageView, userId, productLemmas, productFeatures, url, pageLemmas, pageFeatures
# Events: 48,602,664
# Users: 5,894,431
# Offers: 14,716
# Clicks: 337,511
# OffersShown: 48,754,927
# Max offers shown to 1 user: 2,029
# Max clicks done by 1 user: 119
Average # Offers Shown to 1 user: 8.271
Average # Clicks done by 1 user: 0.057
Average # Clicks done by 1 user (if user did at least 1 click): 1.350616661464461
# Events where user did at least 1 click: 4,544,848
# Events which have at least 1 page text words: 1,212,170
# Events which have at least 1 product Text words: 450,050
# Events which have at least 1 keyword: 4,492,544
page text vocabulary size: 9,111
product text vocabulary size: 6,016
keyword vocabulary size: 543
Out of 9,847 offers, 2,701 offers have at least 1 text word (27.4%)
Out of 7,092 pages, 1,990 pages have at least 1 text word (28.1%)
Attribute Information:
Provide information about each attribute in your data set.
Relevant Papers:
Sumit Sidana, Charlotte Laclau, Massih-Reza Amini. 'Learning to Recommend Diverse Items over Implicit Feedback on PANDOR', RecSYS 2018.
Citation Request:
If you publish results based on this data set, please acknowledge its use, by referring to:
Sumit Sidana, Charlotte Laclau, Massih-Reza Amini. 'Learning to Recommend Diverse Items over Implicit Feedback on PANDOR', RecSYS 2018.
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