数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset contains single date fruit images taken in a controlled environment.
Data Collection
A controlled environment was constructed to take pictures of the 9 different dates types acquired from Saudi Arabia. The imaging setup consists of a DSLR camera (canon EOS 550D), a digital single-lens reflex camera, with the flash enabled and a ring light with 48 centimetres outer LED ring light and 240 LED bulbs set to 100% brightness. A ring was used to negate any shadows by surrounding the date with light on all sides, the flash on the camera provides a strong sudden light to the centre, to emphasize the fleshiness or flabbiness of the date. The dates were put on an elevated platform behind a white background. The distance between the paper and the camera was maintained for all pictures which was 8 cm.
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