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来自广泛传感器网络的空气质量数据 在过去,克拉科夫这座古城被称为波兰的首都。2000年,它被称为官方的欧洲文化之都。现在,它因拥有欧洲最污染的空气而闻名.........Environment,Atmospheric Science,Pollution Classification
2.28M 628
北京多站点空气质量数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集包括12个国家控制的空气质量监测点的每小时空气污染物数据。空气质量数据来自北京市环境监测中心...Physical Regression
7.59M 1047
中国空气质量历史数据集 空气质量数据类型包括PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, O3, CO, AQI;全国空气质量数据来自中国环境监测总站的全国城市空气质量实时发布平...Environment,Environment Classification
2.1G 799
空气质量数据集 Contains the responses of a gas multisensor device deployed on the field in an Italian city. Hourly responses averages are recorded along with gas concentrations references from a certified analyzer. ...Computer Regression
0M 479
空气质量数据集(含9358个每小时平均响应数据) Data Set Information:该数据集包含9358个每小时平均响应实例,这些响应来自嵌入空气质量化学多传感器设备中的5个金属氧化物化学...Environment,Environment Regression
1.5M 969
空气质量 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
0.72M 228
空气质量年度摘要 Business,Environment Classification
948.13M 135
空气质量测试 Aviation Classification
0.27M 100
数据处理后的空气质量 Aviation Classification
0.4M 115
空气质量 Aviation Classification
0.75M 95
空气质量监测数据集(巴基斯坦) AQM This dataset has around 11000 samples that was collected for a week of August 2018. This dataset had the following attri...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
2.2M 171
马丁塔空气质量 Business,Environment,Pollution Classification
1.74M 153
马德里空气质量(2001-2018年) Earth and Nature,Environment,Pollution Classification
569.52M 133
空气质量 Aviation Classification
0.74M 117
空气质量预测 Aviation Classification
0.22M 135
印度空气质量数据 Business,Earth and Nature,India,Pollution Classification
59.64M 137
空气质量台湾 2014 2018 Earth and Nature,Pollution Classification
1564.89M 193