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诈骗类信分类 诈骗类短信分类...OCR/Text Detection,Multiclass Classification Text
0.81M 325
ADHA数据集 包含11736个视频和32个动作的动作数据集 ADHA:“描述人类行为的副词”是一个新问题的第一个基准-识别人类行为副词(HAA)。这是计算机视觉从模式识别转换为真实AI的第一...Stereo Matching Classification
1.88G 584
7980个轴心脏MR图像数据 我们提供了使用形状和外观的统计模型分析短轴心脏MRI的框架。框架整合了时间和结构约束,避免了此类高维模型固有的常见优化问题...Medical 2D Box
423.1M 804
SMS垃圾邮件收集数据集,标记为垃圾邮件或合法信的集合 SMS Spam Corpus v.0.1是一组SMS短信标签消息,已收集用于SMS Spam研究。它包含两个英文短信息集合,包含1084和1319条消息,标记...MNIST Classification
503K 825
电信运营数据集,包含信、网络、流量等数据 电信运营数据集,包含短信、网络、流量等数据...Business Classification
310K 441
垃圾 # 数据集此数据集由 Owais 在 CC0下发布: 公共领域 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Email and Messaging Classification
0.48M 267
4017个篇小说的VAD+C和doc_vecs的得分数据集 4017个短篇小说的VAD+C和doc_vecs的得分。文档嵌入和情感的价值、唤醒、支配性+具体性...Computer Science,Literature,Languages Classification
140M 248
豆瓣电影评论数据集 IntroductionDouban Movie is a Chinese website that allows Internet users to share their comments and viewpoints about mo...Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows Classification
386.82M 429
划线加密区块链 Computer Science,Internet,Finance,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Bigquery Classification
0M 169
信垃圾邮件分类 Email and Messaging Classification
0.46M 172
信垃圾邮件.csv Others Classification
0.48M 152
谷歌Word2Vec模型,包括 300 万个单词和语的词汇表的单词向量 It’s 1.5GB! It includes word vectors for a vocabulary of 3 million words and phrases that they trained on roughly 100 b...Computer Science,Programming Classification
3.64G 227
信垃圾邮件收集,自然语言处理预测信是否是垃圾邮件 ContextThe SMS Spam Collection.ContentBase on the text on SMS message, we should predict it is spam or not spam....Classification,Text Data,Email and Messaging,Text Mining Classification
50K 185
关于悲伤的语 Literature Classification
0.65M 166
关于幸福的语 Others Classification
0.85M 100
维基语录英语报价 Arts and Entertainment,Literature,Linguistics Classification
3.21M 122
克拉肯跑/美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
19.35M 133
篇小说语料库,埃德加·爱伦·坡的篇小说集 ContentThe present data set includes the full corpus of 69 Edgar Allan Poe's short stories in tabular format. In add...NLP,Text Data,Literature,Text Mining Classification
1.86M 288
苹果推特情感 Internet,Online Communities,NLP,Classification,Text Data Classification
0.16M 142
多国语言的脏话脏话,六种语言的成套脏话 Multilingual swear profanityCurrent dataset consist of swear profanity on six languages:French (fr)Turkish (tr)Italian (...NLP,Text Data Classification
9.12K 276