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train9 (a) Others Classification
7162.57M 195
pytorch densenet pretrained Others Classification
273.3M 205
pretrainedmodels-python Computer Science Classification
0.06M 214
NAICS和SOC词典 Business Classification
0.53M 310
Enqu& # xEA; te Budg& # xE9; taire 2015 Aviation Classification
0.01M 200
尼玛pretrained Others Classification
25.13M 187
西雅图Airbnb上市 Business,Internet,Real Estate,Hotels and Accommodations Classification
1.75M 198
trainDenoising Others Classification
4.46M 203
train2017 Others Classification
1.41M 206
LA Airbnb上市 Business,Travel,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
121.91M 176
trainsklearn Others Classification
5.15M 165
罗斯曼商店销售 News,Retail and Shopping Classification
37.7M 221
ISP对国会的贡献 Retail and Shopping,Government Classification
0.01M 197
椅子菜刀平底锅,椅子、厨房、刀和平底锅的图片(测试与训练数据) 1300 Chair, 1300 Kitchen, 1300 Knife and 1300 Saucepan photos.LicenseNo license. USE when you want this dataset....Image Data,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.2G 238
GAIVR-1A列 Others Classification
17674.7M 170
库存表数据 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Alexander Butakov 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Investing Classification
0.17M 344
imet airnext50型号 Aviation Classification
730.02M 161
数据集-MBA Retail and Shopping,Universities and Colleges Classification
6.16M 191
2018年Cewe fotokniha品牌搜索 Retail and Shopping Classification
0M 333
GAIVR元数据 Others Classification
944.12M 129