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Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Parkinsonian Tremor Database The recordings of this database are of rest tremor velocity in the index finger of 16 subjects with Parkinson's disease...Medical 2D Box,Audio
3.5M 349
谷歌pretrain模型 这是开源的Google预先训练好的Word2Vec模型“GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz”。来源可在谷歌新闻-vectors-negative300...Others Classification
3.17G 292
headbrain Others Classification
3K 252
Pretrained权重 Others Classification
12.45M 225
Districtwiserainfall Others Classification
0.07M 247
trainingdata 7 8 9 Others Classification
2365.89M 268
trainingsample8 9 Others Classification
1605.47M 238
housetrain1 House Classification
0.44M 226
trainfinal Others Classification
1.7M 219
modified train set Others Classification
73.96M 245
trainmercari Software Classification
469.24M 238
模型pretrained权重 Others Classification
365.6M 198
train.csv # 数据集这个数据集是由 Fares Manai 根据 GPL 2发布的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
5M 273
train0 Others Classification
2817.4M 215
pytorch-pretrained-BERT Others Classification
583.35M 273
buah-training Education Classification
10.71M 211
dit-loan-train Transportation Classification
0.04M 205
pytorch-pretrained-bert Others Classification
3.2M 222
GAIVR-train 7 b Others Classification
15629.4M 240
GAIVR-train 7 Others Classification
16414.5M 224