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超级商店 Retail and Shopping Classification
1.69M 192
世界语言系列地图 Linguistics,Languages,Geography Classification
198.13M 198
0M 225
MTA 旋转门交通 Transportation,Rail Transport,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
8648.29M 166
人工能项目的数据 Earth and Nature Classification
53.68M 148
立 面 Architecture Classification
29.78M 189
盗窃检测 Retail and Shopping Classification
11047.9M 188
大市场销售 Retail and Shopping Classification
1.33M 222
印度地区数据状态明 India,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
0.01M 169
全球地图日本数据 Geospatial Analysis,Geography,Japan,Asia Classification
181.19M 226
旅行圣 LKH 解决方案 Travel Classification
1.21M 267
宝马定价挑战 Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
0.57M 348
人工能与失业 Others Classification
4.19M 149
网上零售 Retail and Shopping Classification
22.62M 281
零售时尚数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Nikhil Mittal# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Retail and Shopping Classification
3.98M 264
能非索引字表 NLP,Text Mining Classification
0M 154
Medium Articles 包含标记为AI、机器学习、数据科学或人工能的帖子,以及用户信息 Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartes...NLP,Text Data,Literature Classification
1.8G 219