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OCT 图像的分割(AMD)数据集,光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和老年性黄斑变性(AMD)

OCT 图像的分割(AMD)数据集,光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和老年性黄斑变性(AMD)

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Image Data,Health Conditions,Medicine,Eyes and Vision Classification

Images for segmentation of optical coherence tomography images with age-related macular degeneration.Individual SDOCT im......

数据结构 ? 16.8G

    Images for segmentation of optical coherence tomography images with age-related macular degeneration.

    Individual SDOCT images and marking: 38400 BScans from 269 AMD patients and 115 normal subjects, their ages, and their corresponding segmentation boundaries on a 5mm diameter centered at the fovea.


    Individual SDOCT images and marking: 38400 BScans from 269 AMD patients and 115 normal subjects, their ages, and their corresponding segmentation boundaries on a 5mm diameter centered at the fovea.

    NOTE: These results are based on measurements on Bioptigen system. Our preliminary results indicate differences in measured thickness between and even within manufacturers (e.g., a correction factor of 1.16 would be used to convert our reported thicknesses at central fovea to those from Spectralis [Heidelberg Inc, Heidelberg, Germany]).

    For this study, we used the dataset from the A2A SD-OCT Study, which was registered at (Identifier:
    NCT00734487) and approved by the institutional review boards of the 4 A2A SD-OCT clinics (Devers Eye Institute, Duke Eye
    Center, Emory Eye Center, and National Eye Institute). With adherence to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki, informed
    consent was obtained from all subjects.

    The AREDS2 and A2A SD-OCT Study design and protocol for grading fundus photographs (AREDS2) and SD-OCT images
    (A2A SD-OCT) have been described.20,21 In brief, subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were enrolled: between 50 and 85 years of age, exhibiting intermediate AMD with large drusen (>125 mm) in both eyes or large drusen in 1 eligible eye and advanced AMD in the fellow eye, with no history of vitreoretinal surgery or ophthalmologic disease that might affect acuity in either eye. Age-appropriate control subjects were enrolled with the same inclusion criteria as for AREDS2 except that they must have had no evidence of macular drusen or AMD in either eye at the baseline visit or in the follow-up years. Stereoscopic color fundus photograph pairs were taken at the baseline visit as part of the AREDS2 protocol20 and then graded by certified readers at the Wisconsin Fundus Photography Reading Center (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI). For our study, eyes assigned a Wisconsin drusen area score of “cannot grade” (drusen area was only partially visible for the field under consideration, such as when an obscuring lesion or poor photographic quality did not permit
    a reasonably confident assessment of drusen) at the Wisconsin Center were excluded.

    The SD-OCT imaging systems from Bioptigen, Inc (Research Triangle Park, NC), located at the 4 clinic sites, were used to
    acquire volumetric rectangular (w6.7w6.7 mm) scans as previously published.21 To summarize, for all subjects, 0 and 90
    rectangular volumes centered at the fovea (defined as volumes acquired with the fast scan direction oriented horizontally and
    vertically, respectively) with 1000 A-scans per B-scan and 100 B-scans per volume were captured for both eyes. In the A2A
    SD-OCT Study, of the 345 participants with AMD, 314 had at least 1 eye with intermediate AMD, and of the 122 control subjects
    without AMD, 119 had no eye disease at baseline.21 From these, 1 eligible eye of each subject had been randomly selected as the study eye as detailed by Leuschen et al.21 Eye length was not measured. Certified SD-OCT readers assessed the scan quality
    for each volume.21 For this study, we selected the 0 volumes by default, and any poor-quality (as assessed by graders) 0 volumes were replaced by a 90 volume from the same visit; if both scan volumes were poor, then the eye was excluded altogether. The excluded eyes were mainly those that contained blank or extremely low-quality images due to blinks or imaging errors or those volumes that exhibited significant eye motion or loss of fixation during image acquisition. Thus, in this study, we analyzed 269 of the 314 eyes with intermediate AMD and 115 of the 119 control (normal) eyes.


    S. Farsiu, SJ. Chiu, R.V. O’Connell, F.A. Folgar, E. Yuan, J.A. Izatt, and C.A. Toth
    "Quantitative Classification of Eyes with and without Intermediate Age-related Macular Degeneration Using Optical Coherence Tomography",
    Ophthalmology, 121(1),  162-172 Jan. (2014).

    Please reference the paper if you would like to use any part of this method or datasets.
    Please contact Prof. Sina Farsiu, PhD or Prof. Cynthia A. Toth, MD if you have questions about this dataset.

    Banner Image by Harry Quan on Unsplash

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