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Universities and Colleges,Heart Conditions Classification

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Sources: (a) Original owners od Database: -- 1. H. Altay Guvenir, PhD., Bilkent University, Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science, 06533 Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 (312) 266 4133 Email: -- 2. Burak Acar, M.S., Bilkent University, EE Eng. Dept. 06533 Ankara, Turkey Email: -- 2. Haldun Muderrisoglu, M.D., Ph.D., Baskent University, School of Medicine Ankara, Turkey (b) Donor: H. Altay Guvenir Bilkent University, Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science, 06533 Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 (312) 266 4133 Email: (c) Date: January, 1998 Past Usage: 1. H. Altay Guvenir, Burak Acar, Gulsen Demiroz, Ayhan Cekin "A Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Arrhythmia Analysis" Proceedings of the Computers in Cardiology Conference, Lund, Sweden, 1997. The aim is to determine the type of arrhythmia from the ECG recordings. Relevant Information: This database contains 279 attributes, 206 of which are linear valued and the rest are nominal. Concerning the study of H. Altay Guvenir: "The aim is to distinguish between the presence and absence of cardiac arrhythmia and to classify it in one of the 16 groups. Class 01 refers to 'normal' ECG classes 02 to 15 refers to different classes of arrhythmia and class 16 refers to the rest of unclassified ones. For the time being, there exists a computer program that makes such a classification. However there are differences between the cardiolog's and the programs classification. Taking the cardiolog's as a gold standard we aim to minimise this difference by means of machine learning tools." The names and id numbers of the patients were recently removed from the database. Number of Instances: 452 Number of Attributes: 279 Class Distribution: Database: Arrhythmia Class code : Class : Number of instances: 01 Normal 245 02 Ischemic changes (Coronary Artery Disease) 44 03 Old Anterior Myocardial Infarction 15 04 Old Inferior Myocardial Infarction 15 05 Sinus tachycardy 13 06 Sinus bradycardy 25 07 Ventricular Premature Contraction (PVC) 3 08 Supraventricular Premature Contraction 2 09 Left bundle branch block 9 10 Right bundle branch block 50 11 1. degree AtrioVentricular block 0 12 2. degree AV block 0 13 3. degree AV block 0 14 Left ventricule hypertrophy 4 15 Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter 5 16 Others 22



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