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Shruti JauhariDepartment of Computer ScienceRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY 14623eMail: sxj6633 '@......

数据结构 ? 46.8K

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Shruti Jauhari
    Department of Computer Science
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Rochester, NY 14623
    eMail: sxj6633 '@'

    Aniket Morankar
    Department of Computer Science
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Rochester, NY 14623
    eMail: asm6887 '@'

    Ernest Fokoue
    Center for Quality of Applied Statistics
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Rochester, NY 14623
    eMail: ernest.fokoue '@'
    Phone: 585 475 7525 or 575 643 5549

    Data Set Information:


    Attribute Information:

    Player 1              Name of Player 1
    Player 2              Name of Player 2
    Result                Result of the match (0/1) - Referenced on Player 1 is Result = 1 if Player 1 wins (FNL.1>FNL.2)
    FSP.1                 First Serve Percentage for player 1 (Real Number)
    FSW.1                 First Serve Won by player 1 (Real Number)
    SSP.1                 Second Serve Percentage for player 1 (Real Number)
    SSW.1                 Second Serve Won by player 1 (Real Number)
    ACE.1                 Aces won by player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    DBF.1                 Double Faults committed by player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    WNR.1                 Winners earned by player 1 (Numeric)
    UFE.1                 Unforced Errors committed by player 1 (Numeric)
    BPC.1                 Break Points Created by player 1   (Numeric)  
    BPW.1                 Break Points Won by player 1    (Numeric)
    NPA.1                 Net Points Attempted by player 1 (Numeric)
    NPW.1                 Net Points Won by player 1  (Numeric)      
    TPW.1                 Total Points Won by player 1 (Numeric)
    ST1.1                 Set 1 result for Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST2.1                 Set 2 Result for Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST3.1                 Set 3 Result for Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST4.1                 Set 4 Result for Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST5.1                 Set 5 Result for Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    FNL.1                 Final Number of Games Won by Player 1 (Numeric-Integer)
    FSP.2                 First Serve Percentage for player 2 (Real Number)
    FSW.2                 First Serve Won by player 2 (Real Number)
    SSP.2                 Second Serve Percentage for player 2 (Real Number)
    SSW.2                 Second Serve Won by player 2 (Real Number)
    ACE.2                 Aces won by player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    DBF.2                 Double Faults committed by player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    WNR.2                 Winners earned by player 2 (Numeric)
    UFE.2                 Unforced Errors committed by player 2 (Numeric)
    BPC.2                 Break Points Created by player 2   (Numeric)  
    BPW.2                 Break Points Won by player 2    (Numeric)
    NPA.2                 Net Points Attempted by player 2 (Numeric)
    NPW.2                 Net Points Won by player 2  (Numeric)      
    TPW.2                 Total Points Won by player 2 (Numeric)
    ST1.2                 Set 1 result for Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST2.2                 Set 2 Result for Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST3.2                 Set 3 Result for Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST4.2                 Set 4 Result for Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    ST5.2                 Set 5 Result for Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    FNL.2                 Final Number of Games Won by Player 2 (Numeric-Integer)
    Round                 Round of the tournament at which game is played (Numeric-Integer)

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