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Relevant Papers:
McDermott & Forsyth 2016, Diagnosing a disorder in a classification benchmark, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 73.
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Yuan Jiang and Zhi-Hua Zhou. Editing Training Data for kNN Classifiers with Neural Network Ensemble. ISNN (1). 2004. [View Context].
Glenn Fung and M. Murat Dundar and Jinbo Bi and Bharat Rao. A fast iterative algorithm for fisher discriminant using heterogeneous kernels. ICML. 2004. [View Context].
Jochen Garcke and Michael Griebel. Classification with sparse grids using simplicial basis functions. Intell. Data Anal, 6. 2002. [View Context].
Michail Vlachos and Carlotta Domeniconi and Dimitrios Gunopulos and George Kollios and Nick Koudas. Non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques for classification and visualization. KDD. 2002. [View Context].
Xavier Llor and David E. Goldberg and Ivan Traus and Ester Bernad i Mansilla. Accuracy, Parsimony, and Generality in Evolutionary Learning Systems via Multiobjective Selection. IWLCS. 2002. [View Context].
Jochen Garcke and Michael Griebel. Data mining with sparse grids using simplicial basis functions. KDD. 2001. [View Context].
Jochen Garcke and Michael Griebel and Michael Thess. Data Mining with Sparse Grids. Computing, 67. 2001. [View Context].
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Carlotta Domeniconi and Jing Peng and Dimitrios Gunopulos. An Adaptive Metric Machine for Pattern Classification. NIPS. 2000. [View Context].
I?aki Inza and Pedro Larra?aga and Basilio Sierra and Ramon Etxeberria and Jose Antonio Lozano and Jos Manuel Pe?a. Representing the behaviour of supervised classification learning algorithms by Bayesian networks. Pattern Recognition Letters, 20. 1999. [View Context].
Guido Lindner and Rudi Studer. AST: Support for Algorithm Selection with a CBR Approach. PKDD. 1999. [View Context].
Kristin P. Bennett and Erin J. Bredensteiner. A Parametric Optimization Method for Machine Learning. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 9. 1997. [View Context].
Jennifer A. Blue and Kristin P. Bennett. Hybrid Extreme Point Tabu Search. Department of Mathematical Sciences Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 1996. [View Context].
Peter D. Turney. Cost-Sensitive Classification: Empirical evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic Decision Tree Induction Algorithm. CoRR, csAI/9503102. 1995. [View Context].
Gabor Melli. A Lazy Model-based Approach to On-Line Classification. University of British Columbia. 1989. [View Context].
Aynur Akku and H. Altay Guvenir. Weighting Features in k Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections. Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science Bilkent University. [View Context].
Greg Ridgeway. The State of Boosting. Department of Statistics University of Washington. [View Context].
BUPA Medical Research Ltd.
Richard S. Forsyth
8 Grosvenor Avenue
Mapperley Park
Nottingham NG3 5DX
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