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Image Search Classification


数据结构 ? 0M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。


    1. Click the link (or "Save as...") to start downloading:

    Full datasets with GEOTIFF metadata

    If you are seeking the latest and most complete xView2/XBD datasets, use the links below. Downloads are provided in multiple parts; the full dataset and metadata occupy approximately 51GB (compressed) on disk. Download each file separately using the links below. Then read section 3 below to verify then recombine the parts into the full archive.

    Download full data with metadata (part 1/aa) (~9.8GB)
    SHA1: 881ed94d1060c91e64c8eae438dfce492a21d9a9

    Download full data with metadata (part 2/ab) (~9.8GB)
    SHA1: 4064dddc9aa05f786a3a6f70dd4ca86d79dd9e3a

    Download full data with metadata (part 3/ac) (~9.8GB)
    SHA1: 0cfdf761e6f77ac5c423d9fb0927c3f8f8ac43da

    Download full data with metadata (part 4/ad) (~9.8GB)
    SHA1: 44a39a7c4a80d386fb71ced95caee040126bb405

    Download full data with metadata (part 5/ae) (~9.8GB)
    SHA1: 7fb96fac1d009b6a213d4efef2fbf5f1a475a554

    Download full data with metadata (part 6/af) (~2.3GB)
    SHA1: 2ccbd04c4b2e27f8d948de734f661ec0c9d81152

    Recombined archive: xview2_geotiff.tgz (~51GB)
    SHA1: 6eae3baddf86796c15638682a6432e3e6223cb39

    Building Transforms from XBD

    If you are looking for mapping information related to the XBD dataset, use the link below. This download doesn't contain any of the images, just metadata around the location of the image and its origin.

    Download Geotransforms (~500 KB)
    SHA1: 0b3bda08084ac102d8b540261ebbba0094203a2f

    Datasets from the Challenge

    If you are downloading data for the first time, use the links above to obtain the full datasets and metadata. Now that the xView2 Challenge is complete, the downloads below are provided for continuity only. For returning users or those who are looking to replicate historical or academic results, those files are still available for download. The files above contain the same imagery as the files below; only the formatting and metadata are different. Please be respectful of bandwidth and download only the appropriate version.

    Download Challenge training set (~7.8 GB)
    SHA1: b37a4ef4ee9c909e2b19d046e49d42ee3965714b

    Download additional Tier3 training data (~17.3 GB)
    SHA1: 5bf6aaf8a71980b633fb4661776a99a200891de5

    Download Challenge test set (~2.6 GB)
    SHA1: 86ed3dba2f8d16ceceb75d451005054fefa9616f

    Download Challenge holdout set (~2.6 GB)
    SHA1: fe7f162f0895bfaff134cab3abc23872f38d17da

    2. Verify file integrity

    SHA1 hashes are provided to verify integrity of your downloaded files. Compute the SHA1 checksum of each downloaded file using a command like shasum -a 1 FILENAME , then compare the result computed from your local file to the SHA1 strings above. If the hashes match, then your file is good. If your result does not match the SHA1 hashes above, something has gone wrong with your download and you should re-download, perhaps using a more reliable connection.

    3. Merge and unpack the files

    Downloads are provided as GZIP tarball archives. The full dataset with metadata is provided in parts. Download and verify each file. After all downloads have completed and all your hashes match the values above on this page, you can recombine the parts using the following command: cat xview2_geotiff.tgz.part-a? > xview2_geotiff.tgz to obtain the full archive.

    Finally, decompress each .tgz or .tar.gz file using a command like: tar -xvzf FILENAME

    TL;DR: Download, verify, merge, decompress.

    Note: Stale links and interrupted downloads

    To maximize download speed, your download links are customized to stream data from a nearby server. If your download is interrupted, you may need to reload this page to obtain fresh download links. Please be respectful of download bandwidth, and re-download data only when necessary.

    We have gotten feedback that some unzip programs report errors on large archives. Unfortunately, this is due to various non-standard archive protocols. If you get such an error (perhaps while using a tool like 7-zip), try using tar or the archive/unzip tool packaged with your OS.




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