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MPII Human Shape is a family of expressive 3D human body shape models and tools for human shape space building, manipulation and evaluation. Human shape spaces are based on the widely used statistical body representation and learned from theCAESAR dataset, the largest commercially available scan database to date. As preprocessing several thousand scans for learning the models is a challenge in itself, we contribute by developing robust best practice solutions for scan alignment that quantitatively lead to the best learned models. We make the models as well as the tools publicly available. Extensive evaluation shows improved accuracy and generality of our new models, as well as superior performance for human body reconstruction from sparse input data.
Citing this work
@article{pishchulin17pr, author = {Leonid Pishchulin and Stefanie Wuhrer and Thomas Helten and Christian Theobalt and Bernt Schiele} title = {Building Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Human Modeling}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, year = {2017} }
Building Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Human Modeling
Leonid Pishchulin, Stefanie Wuhrer, Thomas Helten, Christian Theobalt and Bernt Schiele
Pattern Recognition, 2017
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