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4316.7M 334
4313.21M 294
处理的ImDb电影评论数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Classification,Text Data Classification
42.53M 167
捐赠者选择.org应用筛选 Religion and Belief Systems,NLP,Deep Learning,Beginner Classification
19.85M 142
一体化模型测文件 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,NLP Classification
13.67M 153
Facebook发布的300维训练FastText英语单词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
4.52G 177
手套6B 200d训练词向量 Business,NLP Classification
661.31M 168
测Reddit社区参与度数据集,GDELT帖子分类以及Sirocco文本分析(意见和实体提取) 该数据集包含3个月(2017年6月至8月)的Reddit新闻帖子,以及GDELT帖子分类以及Sirocco文本分析(意见和实体提取)的结果。它用...NLP,Computer Science,Online Communities Classification
174.09M 235
Facebook 发布的300维训练,在 Common Crawl 上训练的200万个词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment Classification
650M 249
Reddit 评论分数测,使用 NLP 测评论分数 The idea behind this dataset is to try to predict whether a particular comment would be highly up-voted or down-voted gi...NLP,Computer Science,Social Science Classification
1.8G 184
多模态公开疾病数据集 结合多模态特征和机器学习方法测心血管疾病 心电图 (ECG) 和心音图 (PCG) 在心血管疾病的早期预防和诊断中起着重要作用。随着机器学习技术的发展,从心电图和 PCG 检测心血...Machine Learning Ethics Classification
701M 467