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形状预测器 68 地标 Others Classification
95.08M 133
真相标签 Amzn 电影评论数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows,Programming,Biology,Music,Retail and Shopping Classification
35.79M 179
鹦鹉声乐数据集 Earth and Nature,Biology,Universities and Colleges,Animals,Australia Classification
1.53M 144
对数据飞溅列车测试 val Others Classification
230M 230
Architecture Classification
29.78M 183
女性部图像数据集 Biology,Deep Learning,Beginner,CNN,RNN Classification
2.47M 169
抽搐小板结果 Video Games Classification
0.01M 139
带 Bbox 的卫星图像中的 CGI 平 Arts and Entertainment,Transportation,Image Data,CNN Classification
668.61M 217
部地标检测 Others Classification
3.09M 124
对 64x64 (对于生成模型) Software,Image Data,Art,GAN Classification
48.18M 136
流量用户界 Others Classification
19.37M 123
Image Data Classification
1762.59M 311
部图像 Image Data Classification
239.31M 199
眼平停车场 Others Classification
398.91M 226
胸部x光罩和标签 Health,Biology,Image Data,Health Conditions,Computer Vision,Healthcare Classification
5161.58M 166
极限拥抱/nlp NLP Classification
251.04M 146
基于方的情感数据 Business,NLP,spaCy Classification
492.58M 175
Reddit机器人使用NLP来反击负评论 Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
0M 180
维基百科Word2Vec,Apache Spark word2vec由200K维基百科页培训 I used Apache Spark to extract more than 6 million phrases from 200,000 English Wikipedia pages. Here is the process of...NLP,Business,Earth and Nature,Text Mining Classification
132.74M 214
墨西哥湾和加勒比海西北部的最后一次间冰期海平 该文件提供了墨西哥湾和加勒比海西北部(包括尤卡坦半岛)上一次间冰期(LIG;也称为海洋同位素阶段5e,MIS5e)期间先前公布的相...Others Classification
0.26M 386