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更快的 Rcnn 初始 Resnet v2 在 Oid 上训练 Transfer Learning Classification
265.9M 107
泰坦尼克号训练数据集 Business Classification
0.06M 128
斯坦福大学的GloVe预训练的单词向量 GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words. Training is performed on agg...Computer Science,Sports,Retail and Shopping Classification
989.9M 261
coco 2014训练、验证数据集 coco 2014训练、验证数据集...Image Search Classification
20G 463
拼图 pytorch 预训练伯特 Arts and Entertainment,Puzzles Classification
3.19M 163
拼图预训练伯特基地 Puzzles Classification
420.32M 166
西塔尼姆训练模型 Others Classification
22.59M 118
Keras 预训练模型(无顶部) Others Classification
197.82M 122
pytorch - 预训练 - 贝特 Earth and Nature Classification
2.57M 123
训练模型人博尔泽恩 Others Classification
68.84M 119
推土机训练数据集 #数据集此数据集由Suresh Subramaniam#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Industry Classification
9.7M 179
训练模型 Others Classification
1069.92M 199
90.7M 110
66.14M 111
梅尔斯训练所有嘈杂 Others Classification
2240.12M 98
从蒂姆开始训练测试 Others Classification
0.89M 106
pytorch - 预训练 - 贝特 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.57M 130
MNIST 训练和测试 Computer Science Classification
121.94M 219
721 重量训练锻炼 Arts and Entertainment,Exercise,Sports,Exploratory Data Analysis Classification
0.7M 121
pytorch 预训练的 bert=v0.6.0 Others Classification
0.29M 112