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玩家 Others Classification
0.03M 141
鲨鱼攻击文件 Others Classification
7.85M 215
Business Classification
1.29M 124
恐怖主义数据库 Government Classification
170.52M 325
NBA 队统计 2 周前和#x2B; 得分 Sports,Basketball Classification
3.98M 235
IPL 团队明智表现(2008-2017) Cricket Classification
0.19M 144
WNBA 员统计赛季 2016-2017 News,Sports,Basketball Classification
0.02M 154
EMPRES 全动物疾病监测 Health Conditions,Animals,Medicine Classification
2.72M 247
恐怖主义数据库 Software,Government,Literature,Crime,International Relations Classification
155.27M 216
哪支队将赢得这场比赛? Computer Science,Programming,Video Games,Classification,Gambling,Binary Classification Classification
1.48M 179
热门网站 Internet Classification
2.54M 146
恐怖主义元数据 Government Classification
0M 219
OpenAddresses 全共享地理坐标、街道名称、门牌号和邮政编码 OpenAddresses的目标是通过共享地理坐标、街道名称、门牌号和邮政编码来连接数字世界和物理世界。ContentThis dataset contains...Travel Classification
4G 201
英超员数据集, 2017/18 对于大多数足球迷来说,由于缺少俱乐部足球,5月至7月是一个平静期。弥补这一点的是围绕当今所有主要球员转会的激烈转会猜测。它...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Games,Football,Popular Culture Classification
13.9M 183
欧洲足(足)俱乐部在谷歌SERPs Business,Sports,Football,Europe,Search Engines Classification
12.28M 310
恐怖主义数据库 Government Classification
143.95M 154
大战调查数据 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.51M 135
拉赫曼棒数据库 Baseball Classification
29.97M 151
Odi 数据集从 Cricinfo Education,News,Sports,Cricket Classification
0.66M 144
NOAA 全表面摘要 Earth and Nature,Earth Science,Weather and Climate Classification
3425.9M 140