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罗伯塔模型对象 Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Transfer Learning Classification
477.03M 168
OSCAR尼泊尔语语料库,尼泊尔语文本语料库,用于训练NLP的无监督语言模型 The files are from [OSCAR Corpus]( Please visit their site for more information.The dataset i...NLP,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Languages Classification
3.1G 252
Catatan Cakrawala模型 Business,Clothing and Accessories,Image Data,NLP Classification
1595.43M 153
推特提取模型 Email and Messaging,NLP Classification
2386.95M 150
GPT2预训练模型(Pytorch) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11539.5M 339
BERT预训练模型(Tensorflow) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
12523.1M 306
伯特预训练模型(Pytorch) Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11895.8M 139
NLP阿尔伯特模型微调为2.0班 NLP,Transfer Learning Classification
175.27M 201
预训练质量保证模型 Computer Science,NLP Classification
1806.62M 146
BioCreativeVI PM跟踪文档分类任务中的训练模型 The trained models in BioCreativeVI-PM-Track Document Triage Task....NLP Classification
2.16G 228
一体化模型预测文件 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,NLP Classification
13.67M 153
用土耳其语编写的数据,可以训练word2vec或n-gram模型 This data contains each document written in Turkish and contains wiki document id. You can train word2vec or n-gram mode...NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
463.02M 221
6.32G 218
阿拉伯ULMFiT模型,基于Ar Wikipedia语料库的阿拉伯语模型 Arabic is a major world language yet is is under represented on the Internet and there is a lack of resources for Arabic...NLP,Transfer Learning,Languages Classification
160.13M 337
reddit向量数据集,用于训练 sence2vec模型 Sence2vec word embeddings model works better than word2vec , since it utilises contextual information from words.This re...NLP,Computer Science,Text Data,spaCy Classification
635.76M 247
SARS-CoV-2主要蛋白酶3D打印模型数据集 一个打印SARS-CoV-2主要蛋白酶的3D模型来自我们关于公平共享分子可视化经验的论文。...Others Classification
17.71M 373