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UAV-GESTURE Others Classification
0 263
MVC Others Classification
0 249
WSVD Others Optical Flow,Others
0 275
ImageNet-A Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others Classification
0M 251
EmotioNet 面部表情数据集 The EmotioNet database includes 950,000 images with annotated AUs. These were annotated withthe algorithm described inBe...Face 2D Box
0M 1495
REDS Others Classification
0 494
ERA Others Classification
0 359
OpenNEURO Others Classification
0 233
NoW Others Classification
0 386
3D 人数据集 3D 人数据集包含具有特定几何图形表示的着装人类的第一个数据集。它包含约200万张图像,其中40位男性/ 40位女性执行70个动作。每...Pose Estimation 3D Box
0M 312
KMNIST Others Classification
0 233
Cross-domain Object Others 2D Box
0 217
SVD Others Classification
0 322
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 375
DAGM 2007 competition Others 2D Polygon
0 183
Synthia Others 2D Polygon
0 248
VGG-Sound 大规模视听数据集 VGG-Sound是一个视听对应数据集,由从上传到YouTube的视频中提取的音频短片组成.Citation@InProceedings{Chen20,author=HonglieC...Music Analysis,Others Audio
21.7M 892
PhotoBook数据集:通过视觉上的对话建立共同点 本文介绍了PhotoBook数据集,这是一个以视觉为基础,面向任务的英语对话的大规模集合,旨在调查对话期间积累的共享对话历史。从...Scenario Recognition 2D Box,Classification
0M 258
多模式室内球形全景图的360度视觉数据集 A 360o Vision Dataset of Multi-modal Indoors Spherical Panoramas...Environment 3D Keypoints,3D Model,Classification
0M 412
MoCap 带盖式鱼眼镜头的实时移动3D运动捕捉数据集 我们提出了第一种实时方法,用于在各种不受约束的日常活动中对 3D 人体姿势进行以自我为中心的估计。此设置具有一组独特的挑战,...Others,Scenario Recognition 3D Model,Classification
4K 454