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图像 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Bigquery Classification
0M 166
聚合赏金公 Others Classification
0.08M 107
0.02M 134
斯坦福放警务项目 Others Classification
8.73M 140
医疗保险D部分阿片类药物处方者摘要文件,探索来自CMS的公数据 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for MedicareMedicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform...Socrata,Drugs and Medications Classification
296.32M 185
重新培训的始模型 Others Classification
83.44M 141
Python 发人员 Survery 2017 Computer Science,Software,Programming,Demographics,Survey Analysis Classification
10.5M 168
图像数据集 V4 的类 Education Classification
1.67M 150
斯坦福放警务项目 Others Classification
8.73M 165
重定向 Internet Classification
0M 165
放式举重 Health,Exercise,Sports,Bigquery Classification
29.22M 244
ETHPrize 发人员访谈 Business,Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.34M 161
西雅图Airbnb放数据 Travel,Hotels and Accommodations,United States Classification
85.94M 195
始 v4 重量文件 notop Others Classification
158.1M 114
图像类 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.01M 327
放主义者 Others Classification
2.22M 172
图像数据 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities Classification
3207M 127
图像数据集 Image Data Classification
839.93M 143
纽约学校ELA结果2013-2017年(公 Education,Standardized Testing,Socrata,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
26.46M 154
图像列车 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1863.55M 129