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Pubg 事件 Video Games Classification
7233.1M 164
神奇宝贝图像数据集 Anime and Manga Classification
103.39M 139
阿尔法零游戏 Others Classification
0.07M 136
阿尔法戈游戏 Others Classification
0.09M 149
拼图预训练伯特基地 Puzzles Classification
420.32M 172
拼图模型 Puzzles Classification
3609.84M 200
公共排行榜:MNIST Games,Beginner Classification
0.32M 348
玩数据 - 动手 Games Classification
0.06M 152
佩斯挑战 Video Games Classification
96.69M 144
Pokémon: estatísticas bá西卡斯 Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.05M 139
菲克国际象棋游戏 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Board Games Classification
107.31M 127
动漫 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision,Anime and Manga,Clustering,Research Classification
217.24M 142
过山车大亨数据 Travel,Video Games,Simulations Classification
0.02M 151
传奇冠军数据集的Leauge Games,Video Games Classification
0M 137
游戏销售 Video Games Classification
1.29M 133
Mlb 游戏数据从复古表 Baseball Classification
563.68M 176
视频游戏销售数据 (2019) Games,Video Games,Economics Classification
10.09M 346
权力的游戏:系列脚本细分 Arts and Entertainment,Text Data,Linguistics,Beginner,Text Mining Classification
2.58M 149
口袋 妖怪 #数据集此数据集由EivindStr创建?msv?g#内容它包含以下文件:...Games,Anime and Manga Classification
14.9K 224
CS:GO竞争配对数据 Internet,Online Communities,Video Games Classification
3456.78M 313