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交互手势互动数据集,可应用于元宇宙及VR场景中互动操作 ContentWhat's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make it easy for others to get started by describing how yo...Action/Event Detection,Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.72G 727
GAIVR-train 7 b Others Classification
15629.4M 236
GAIVR-train 7 Others Classification
16414.5M 219
GAIVR-1A列 Others Classification
17674.7M 165
GAIVR元数据 Others Classification
944.12M 126
GAIVR验证数据 Business Classification
12282.8M 154
CV 3 OvR RF Others Classification
0.34M 126
GAIVR-train0C系列 Others Classification
13933.4M 114
GAIVR-test0B型 Others Classification
15032.6M 113
GAIVR 列车 (4)A Others Classification
11764.4M 117
GAIVR 列车 (4)B Others Classification
15311.8M 115
GAIVR 列车 (5)A Others Classification
15792.8M 165
Cpvr 体形 Others Classification
99.69M 143
TVR Others 2D Polygon
0 377
Cornell NLVR Others Classification
0 266
CLEVR Others Text
17.72G 279