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SemArt Dataset Automatic art analysis has been mostly focused on classifying artworks into different artistic styles. However, understa...Aesthetics Image Caption,Classification
3.1G 775
Kinect2 Human Pose Dataset (K2HPD) Kinect2 Human PoseDataset (K2HPD) includes about 100K depth images with various human poses under challenging scenarios....Person 2D Semantic Segmentation,2D Keypoints
1.55G 1657
WBC Image Dataset 1 This is two datasets of white blood cell (WBC) images used for “Fast and Robust Segmentationof White Blood Cell Images...Medical 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 288
ConversationAIDataset ConversationAIDataset数据结构:...Others Classification
73M 284
Drugsets Others Classification
0.01M 253
custDatasets Others Classification
0.03M 265
FirstDataset Others Classification
0.35M 259
myfirstdataset Others Classification
0.01M 375
Dataset Simpson 美国动画情景喜剧 辛普森家族数据集 Dataset Simpson 美国动画情景喜剧 辛普森家族数据集...Person Classification
230.34M 266
IMDB-Movies-Dataset Movies and TV Shows Classification
6.56M 269
housetest House Classification
0.43M 201
housetrain1 House Classification
0.44M 223
housetest House Classification
0.43M 257
housetest House Classification
0.43M 222
modified train set Others Classification
73.96M 243
mycarDataSet Others Classification
1K 423
imdb-wiki-image-dataset Movies and TV Shows,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
2774.3M 272
mydataset Others Classification
0.55M 274
3 rd-ml-month-car-image-aspect-ratio-crop-dataset # Dataset 这个数据集是由 zerocoke 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
132M 264
dotaset Arts and Entertainment Classification
66.83M 235