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UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) The UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) contains 39 differential biopotential measurements recorded from the tongues...Action/Event Detection 2D Keypoints
7.9M 333
SCHPROMA Others Classification
24.99M 211
problemsolvingapproach Others Classification
0.06M 222
巩固Proba Others Classification
0.45M 214
Projeto IA Animais Others Classification
0.14M 221
Propbank Computer Science Classification
17.97M 179
FiveThirtyEight NBA球赛 Winprobs数据库 NBA 获胜概率该目录包含每场比赛中每支 NBA 球队在每一分钟内获胜的机会这一故事背后的数据。nba.tsv 包含截至 2015 年 2 月 18...Business,Basketball Classification
5K 241
projectX Others Classification
2.45M 226
ProsperLoan数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
82.47M 195
大疆无人机 Mavic Pro 在瑞士拍摄的无人机视频数据集 该数据集是使用 DJI Mavic Pro 在有人或无人在场的各种环境中录制的大量视频。数据集的想法是将各种分析算法,如对象检测、运动...Computer Science,Computer Vision Classification
1.7G 612
BO 值 V3 预pro Others Classification
232.12M 134
smai - proj 数据集 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
1470.93M 137
Wipro完整的股票数据,是时间序列分析的理想选择 Wipro Limited (Western India Palm Refined Oils Limited or more recently, Western India Products Limited) is an Indian In...Business,Investing Classification
445K 157
Propotion 测试简介 Others Classification
12.58M 178
1246.5M 134
ProUni:巴西私立大学选拔 Education,Universities and Colleges,Economics,Government,Brazil Classification
7.94M 311
1259.91M 124
1259.91M 108
PRO2017 Others Classification
34.6M 108
faceproj Others Classification
43.93M 222