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Turo租定价信息 Internet,Finance,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
331.11M 170
100 MB列数据集 Business,Software,Travel Classification
100M 189
挪威新销售 Business,Retail and Shopping,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 233
数据b Others Classification
37.19M 217
.csv Others Classification
23.79M 270
2003-2017年勃朗峰超 Internet,Sports,Travel,Running Classification
6.48M 170
纽约市-东河自行交叉口 Retail and Shopping,Transportation,Cycling,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
0.02M 180
GTSRB[汽俱乐部] Others Classification
464.4M 151
Mathematica丰富了纽约出租之旅 Software,Travel Classification
381.52M 165
旅行 Others Classification
69.13M 311
奥斯汀自行共享之旅 Computer Science,Retail and Shopping,Cycling Classification
83.3M 165
文件 Transportation Classification
0.85M 160
临时火 Others Classification
0.85M 171
Others Classification
17621.9M 303
bbox 为 30k Others Classification
149.12M 159
纽约市出租行程 - 每小时天气数据 Hourly weather data for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration ChallangeHere is some detailed weather data for the New Yor...Earth and Nature Classification
1.24M 194
数据 Others Classification
0.04M 156
测试 Image Data Classification
0.13M 326
数据 Others Classification
221.4M 173
一级方程式赛迷评分 News,Sports,Games,Auto Racing Classification
0.01M 182