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用无衬线谷歌字体书写的字母图像数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jihye YeomReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the...NLP,Image Data Classification
768M 223
2020年DEM(谷歌趋势2月18日) Business,Internet Classification
0M 165
谷歌数据为CPE Internet Classification
0.51M 171
谷歌游戏商店 a.csv Others Classification
1.21M 332
谷歌地标 2019 样本 Others Classification
6.38M 107
谷歌PlayStore-1 Others Classification
1.3M 99
谷歌音频集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Classification,Audio Data Classification
99.38M 130
谷歌分析客户收入清理 Business Classification
68.03M 124
0M 138
谷歌新闻 w2v Others Classification
3475.44M 216
AMD 和谷歌股票价格 Business,News,Investing,History Classification
0.31M 134
0.98M 120
工作技能谷歌 Others Classification
1.79M 138
谷歌自由基地实体矢量 Software Classification
5442.16M 132
谷歌Word2Vec模型,包括 300 万个单词和短语的词汇表的单词向量 It’s 1.5GB! It includes word vectors for a vocabulary of 3 million words and phrases that they trained on roughly 100 b...Computer Science,Programming Classification
3.64G 227
谷歌图片识别教程 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Image Data,Computer Vision,Feature Engineering Classification
2.37M 370
谷歌新闻 Others Classification
3475.44M 120
谷歌股票价格测试 Investing Classification
1K 154
谷歌股票价格 Internet,RNN Classification
0.06M 192
谷歌股票 Business,Investing Classification
0.06M 136