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特币早期 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
30.12M 127
招聘餐厅赛的天气数据 Arts and Entertainment,Geography Classification
40.13M 276
莫法拉赛数据从国际田联 Others Classification
0.02M 86
沃尔玛风暴天气 Others Classification
93.69M 126
利时TS数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
328.11M 189
南斯加密克莱恩 Business,Internet,Finance,Economics Classification
5392.97M 143
特币2018年数据集 比特币2018年数据集...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
211.48M 176
国际足球赛统计2010-17 Sports,Football Classification
0.48M 251
纽约中学学生与教师 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.06M 147
一级方程式赛数据 Business,Sports,Games,Auto Racing Classification
14.6M 129
特币历史数据 Finance,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
144.13M 123
twitters中特币数据集,包含XBT、特币、BTC的推文 Streamed from twitters API, Collecting Tweets containing XBT, Bitcoin, BTCContentDateTime UsernameTextPolaritySensitivit...Earth and Nature,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
331.49M 261
注意福鲁克模型 Puzzles Classification
19.68M 135
0M 128
基里预测 Others Classification
0.45M 133
特币历史价格 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.06M 169
哥伦亚对象图像库 (COIL-100) 数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Software,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
129.84M 217
特币阿尔法 Others Classification
0.48M 252
亨德曼 Others Classification
1K 92
2017-2018 NBA常规赛赛数据 Sports,Universities and Colleges,Basketball Classification
0.21M 195