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国家地址-加纳 Education,Politics,Government Classification
0.7M 301
2018年越南国家高中考试成绩 Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
41.77M 177
2018年全国演讲结果 Education Classification
0M 149
纽约市ELA和数学成绩2014/2015 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
65.58M 155
纽约市ELA和数学成绩2015/2016 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
85M 154
纽约市2016/2017年ELA和数学成绩 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
85.6M 159
马萨诸塞州公立学校数据 Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
1.56M 218
0.09M 160
PISA2009 测试 Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.34M 198
结果 Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges Classification
17.15M 156
美国教育部:大学记分卡 Computer Science,Education,Finance,Universities and Colleges Classification
4006.69M 184
学生数据 Universities and Colleges Classification
0.04M 165
Nlp 列车 Education,Social Science Classification
3.14M 185
2016年高级入学考试成绩 Education,Social Science,Standardized Testing Classification
0.02M 179
哈佛和麻省理工学院的在线课程 Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.06M 224
学校数据集,2011-2016年雅加达的教育质量 The title of this dataset is jumlah-sekolah-guru-murid-dan-ruang-kelas-menurut-jenis-sekolah-2011-2016, with type is CSV...Business,Computer Science,Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
2K 224
识字率 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.08M 174
Edfacts 毕业率 Education Classification
16.12M 153
0M 222
K-12 厄瓜多尔学费和注册费 2018-2019 Education,Economics,Government Classification
0.48M 161