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用于能源优化的高存储系统数据 Business,Deep Learning,Energy,Model Comparison,Optimization Classification
7.12M 270
空间数据存储库(卫星数据等) Business,Social Science,Finance,Image Data,Geospatial Analysis,Lending,Crowdfunding Classification
249.4M 200
yolo v3 h5格式存储 Others Classification
237.17M 211
存储环晶格的六极MA/DA vs Others Classification
1.11M 184
pytorch bert 存储 Others Classification
2.88M 254
英国游艇存储提供商列表 Transportation Classification
0M 179
1.23M 139
GitHub 存储 Business,Earth and Nature,Software,Programming,Bigquery Classification
0M 123
自动电子邮件内容存储.csv Email and Messaging Classification
0M 97
映像存储 Computer Science,Programming Classification
146.21M 277
深度实验室存储 Arts and Entertainment Classification
73.37M 198
推特数据存储 Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
38.45M 125
自动电子邮件内容存储 Email and Messaging Classification
0M 151
蒸汽存储游戏(清洁数据集) 我想基于Steam Store上的游戏从头开始创建一个数据集。使用[从Steam Store和SteamSpy API收集的数据](https://nik-davis.github....Arts and Entertainment,Video Games Classification
35.2M 181
蒸汽存储原始数据(不干净) Internet,Games Classification
288.77M 164
GitHub 存储 Business,Computer Science,Programming Classification
955.05M 152
IMBD情绪分类数据集,用spacy标记并以JSON格式存储 ContextIMDB sentiment classification dataset from derived from torchtext, tokenized using spacy and then stored as JSON...NLP,Beginner,Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Binary Classification,spaCy Classification
104.31M 169