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俄罗斯电报聊天记录,公开俄罗斯电报聊天解析的数据 Russian Telegram chats history Data parsed from must popular public Russian Telegram chats...NLP,Text Data,Russia Classification
11.08G 225
0.02M 177
PLAsTiCC 测试仪经典特征,以往研究用于光变曲线分类的共同特征 This dataset is a collection of extracted time series features from the test set of the PLAsTiCC challenge. The features...Feature Engineering,Time Series Analysis,Astronomy Classification
9.02G 235
乘客 Transportation,Time Series Analysis,Beginner Classification
0M 233
1.23M 141
大豆作物的杂草检测数据集 该图像数据集有 15336 个片段,分别是土壤 3249、大豆 7376、草 3520 和阔叶杂草 1191。从无人机捕获的图像集中,选择所有出现杂...Agriculture,Biology Classification
2.37G 1173
期选举候选人搜索结果页 Internet,Politics,Exploratory Data Analysis,United States,Search Engines Classification
28.32M 307
花卉图像数据集,包含 102 张训练的花卉图像 花卉图像该数据集包含102张鲜花图像的训练...Plant,Earth and Nature Classification
661M 359
在 Python 使用地理数据 Computer Science,Programming,News,Economics,Geospatial Analysis,Clustering Classification
4.01M 141
Google地球的船舶数据集,显示卫星图像各种大小的船只 I wrote a long winded description for this but somehow it didn't save. I'll get around to re-writing it soon, bu...Business Classification
1.84G 362
国专利发展局 Others Classification
2.22M 143
0.68M 124
Spacy 英语模型 Others Classification
218M 121
NANL 滚动位数数据 Others Classification
12M 132
欧洲核子研究心:CMS-开放数据 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.61M 143
突尼斯的医院地址 Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0.01M 122
房价位数 Others Classification
0.01M 112
公共内核使用的包 Computer Science Classification
0.61M 132
国际家具配件销售,用于在 RStudio 和 R 制作世界地图的数据集 国际家具配件销售,用于在 RStudio 和 R 中制作世界地图的数据集...Business,Data Visualization,Data Analytics,Geography Classification
87K 325
国 AQI 及相关因子数据集 Business,Environment Classification
0.05M 267