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惊奇漫画电影宇宙对话数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP Classification
1.13M 198
文本电影评论数据集 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Data Visualization Classification
0.79M 157
tmdb电影分级(示例) NLP,Data Visualization,Data Cleaning,NLTK,corrplot Classification
6.55M 253
1914 2019年电影摄影中的所有伤害 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Crime,Text Data,Exploratory Data Analysis,Text Mining Classification
0.09M 139
imdb电影数据 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Recommender Systems Classification
0.71M 153
终结者系列电影剧本 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Exploratory Data Analysis,LSTM,Keras Classification
0.75M 144
回归核 Earth and Nature,Software Classification
0.02M 133
宝莱坞电影数据集 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.3M 165
有史以来最好的艺术品 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data,Classification,Art Classification
2214.57M 210
NDSC移动图像 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities Classification
10536.9M 99
印度所有农业相关数据集 Business,Earth and Nature,India,Weather and Climate,Agriculture Classification
0.37M 146
恐龙岛 Earth and Nature Classification
0.02M 268
独奏音乐 Audio Data Classification
3717.98M 259
气体传感器阵列温度调制 Business,Earth and Nature,Time Series Analysis Classification
576.62M 180
哈希值 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
17.43M 167
卡萨斯布 Arts and Entertainment,Demographics Classification
4.26M 130
心率和呼吸数据 Heart Conditions Classification
7.34M 138
电影评论,源自 IMDB 的大型电影评论数据集 电影评论,源自 IMDB 的大型电影评论数据集...Movies and TV Shows Classification
62.9M 234
设备启动OCs Internet,Standardized Testing,Art Classification
29.09M 119
粉丝小说.net Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Literature Classification
691.41M 117