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Yelp's 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
3645.78M 146
鸟与#x27;歌曲数字数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Music,Animals,Beginner Classification
56.24M 127
Coursera 机器学习 Andrew Ng Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Beginner,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 140
音频内容消耗数据 Arts and Entertainment,Music,Religion and Belief Systems,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 259
用户电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
7.44M 135
IMDB 电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
58.68M 116
纽约认证石棉调查员 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Public Safety,Environment Classification
0.08M 132
维基气候 Earth Science,Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
12.97M 153
每个性别和城市脚本 Arts and Entertainment,Celebrities,Popular Culture Classification
2.31M 123
英语越南语数据集 Deep Learning,Languages,Artificial Intelligence,Transfer Learning Classification
24.46M 138
中国越南语数据集 Deep Learning,Languages,Artificial Intelligence,Transfer Learning Classification
24.73M 146
俄罗斯越南语数据集 Deep Learning,Languages,Artificial Intelligence,Transfer Learning Classification
10.31M 129
人类或东西分类器 Earth and Nature Classification
93.33M 129
12306 captcha 2019 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Classification,Deep Learning,Animals,China Classification
896.25M 274
原始 Url 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.1M 177
电影镜头小最新数据集 Business,Eyes and Vision,Recommender Systems Classification
3.15M 188
vgg16 型号 Clothing and Accessories Classification
527.8M 137
电影数据集 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.33M 294
约洛 a Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 268
测试图像 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.08M 138