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常见的移动/Web 应用程序图标 Computer Science,Online Communities,Image Data,Mobile and Wireless Classification
720.65M 148
贷款活动响应 Computer Science Classification
6.34M 136
流行的嵌入 Computer Science Classification
15359.5M 295
JavaScript 的状态,2016 Computer Science,Programming Classification
20.06M 199
阿菲尼 · 姆尼斯特 Computer Science Classification
3862.33M 193
学习图片 Computer Science Classification
8.1M 142
添加高斯噪声的 Z 字母 Computer Science,Programming Classification
571.29M 134
硬盘测试数据 2018 年第 4 季度 Computer Science,Internet,Ratings and Reviews Classification
2722.95M 118
布朗科珀斯 Computer Science Classification
29.76M 130
自动编码器 MNIST 数据集 Computer Science,Software Classification
203.41M 233
蔬菜(上下文敏感 RNN 嵌入) Computer Science,Biology Classification
237.49M 150
蔬菜(图里安缩放嵌入) Computer Science Classification
4618.46M 240
功能重要性分析 Anagha Joshi Computer Science Classification
0.01M 148
KNN 分类器 Computer Science Classification
817.84M 161
OCR 的块字符 Software Classification
5.2M 122
IBM 人力资源绩效数据集 Software Classification
0.22M 133
mc 数字 Computer Science,Programming,Biology Classification
1.4M 148
测试路径 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.02M 139
HW3 无监督学习 Computer Science,Programming Classification
19.76M 154
卡格尔 Computer Science Classification
1526.7M 194