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学生的数学成绩数据 学生的数学成绩数据...Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
17.9K 275
纽约市ELA和数学成绩2014/2015 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
65.58M 155
纽约市ELA和数学成绩2015/2016 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
85M 154
纽约市2016/2017年ELA和数学成绩 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
85.6M 159
手写数学表达式 上下文如果你曾经排过数学表达式,你可能会想: 如果我能给一个手写的表达式拍张照片,让它自动识别出来,不是很棒吗?这个数据集...Arts and Entertainment,Artificial Intelligence Classification
65.92M 319
手写数学符号数据集,超过10万个图像样本 Dataset consists of jpg files(45x45)DISCLAIMER: dataset does not contain Hebrew alphabet at all. It includes basic Greek...NLP,Computer Science,Law,Email and Messaging Classification
410.19M 387
维基百科的数学 Internet,Demographics,People Classification
10.42M 162
2013-2017 NYC 数学成绩 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
6.86M 138
麻省理工学院科学学会数学数据 Earth and Nature,Education,Literature,Data Cleaning Classification
0.51M 117
NYC ELA 和数学状态测试结果 Education,Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
5.53M 181
纽约州测试结果(数学 Standardized Testing Classification
2.28M 152
数学学生 Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.04M 155
数学在几分钟内 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.67M 173
数学讲座 Education,NLP,Text Data,Psychology,Multiclass Classification,Neural Networks,Clustering Classification
24.1M 457
NLP简单的数学问题从聊天机器人应用程序 Earth and Nature,Internet,Education,NLP Classification
0M 190